Friday, March 16, 2012

Winter's Come & Gone

We keep holding our breath, waiting for this faux spring to go away and plunge us back into the late Ohio winter we all know & dread.  But as the month of March progresses, it looks like we lucked out this year.  Actually, this feels more like the Kentucky winters I'm accustomed to.  Now the kids know why we didn't do much sledding nor ice skating. 

Most of the building is completed on the farm.  We should have the pen fences up soon and the barnyard cleared of all the scrap wood - I think a spring bonfire is in order.  :) 

Last weekend the goats had their glamor shots taken for the website. They're munching on grass in most of the pictures.  The new grass in the pasture was just to tempting to ignore! 

Brady's planning to open the beehives for their first check of the season very soon.  They're probably low on food supplies so I made up a batch of bee syrup for their feeders.  In unrelated news, area retailers report a spike in the sales of 5 lb bags of sugar.

I was just thinking the other day that I need to put out the hummingbird feeders for the season.  And get a better bird feeder - the lid pops off the old one whenever a strong wind comes along.  Or, rather, when any kind of breeze comes along.  I think it's manufactured by a bird seed company.

However - I'm planning to do very little this weekend.  It's March Madness!  I can't believe I live with a bunch of yankees who don't get into college basketball.  That sort of thing would never happen in Kentucky - they would be driven across the river and out of the state ... to Ohio.  :) 

Next weekend (March 24th to be exact) marks the first anniversary of this blog.  Wow!  A lot has changed on the farm in the past year.  Maybe I'll take some pictures to show all the changes. 

Coming Up
Finish coop fence, work on goat website, finish sock pattern, taxes (ugh)

What's Blooming

Friday, March 9, 2012

Up This Hill And Down

Ellie Mae & Tootsie
Just a quick entry while there's a peaceful moment on the farm.  We added a second doe to the flock - Ellie Mae.  She and Tootsie are having a difficult time learning to share their feed but we've seen a lot of progress over the past few days.

So much going on with chickens the past couple weeks!  The basement chicks have taken up residence in the smaller coop which means we can turn the basement back into a family area again (after a thorough cleaning - dust everyhwere!) We have hatching eggs for Delaware chicks in the incubator (a heritage breed, also a key ingredient in the making of Golden Comets apparently).  And we are providing our Cuckoo Maran rooster for stud service the next week or so.  :)  Everyone's busy on the farm!

The geese are back!  We've noticed several already paired up and looking for a nesting spot.  Hopefully they'll have better luck than our pair last year. 

The goats' website is under contruction, just awaiting beauty shots (scheduled for this weekend).

Brady's Steelers Hat didn't pass the cuff test, so back to the drawing board.  Oh and I should be able to finish the sock pattern this weekend and get that published next week.

Sleeping Katy & Sock

Coming Up
Finish coop fence, photo shoot, work on goat website, finish sock pattern