Monday, November 21, 2011

Cabin Home on the Hill

Brady's gone deer hunting.  Selena's gone knitting.

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka The Yarn Harlot) jokes about the size of her yarn stash and her insight into stash management (basically, hide it in every nook & cranny of the house and pray to the yarn gods that you don't wind up on one of those hoarding shows on TV).  My stash is miniscule in comparison, but large enough for those times when I feel the urge to "knit something".  Which is most of the time.  At least that's what Brady says.

So, while Brady's gone for deer season and the farm is relatively quiet in late-November, I'm working on various Christmas gifting projects and thinking about all the things I should be doing instead of knitting (which fortunately doesn't bother me so much).

The kids and I will meet up with Brady at the cabin for a few days.  I'm thinking this will be a good time to get serious about that sock pattern I keep threatening promising to post on the blog.  Which means I really need to get serious about taking better pics.  The Droid for all its splendor simply sucks as a camera.  And while "practicing" with the good camera in Nashville I somehow messed up the settings so all the pictures look washed out and fuzzy.  And my little digital cam seems to have an issue with the battery connection.  I'm cursed when it comes to technology.

So, I should soon have a pattern with halfway-decent photos coming soon to the blog.  And the new Massie Creek website will be up and running within the next week or so (don't worry, someone else took the band pics).

Coming Up
Finish band website, work on sock pattern, winterize hives.