Monday, May 14, 2012

Blackberry Blossom

West Virginia in bloom
Brady had a successful turkey hunting season at our West Virginia mountain home and on this cold and drizzly Mother's Day I slow-cooked the breast meat and made a (ginormous) pot of turkey & amish noodles.  Perfect comfort food for a dreary day!

The garden is half planted - we put out the tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers before running out of steam.  Brady spent the better part of the day tilling, retilling and clearing grass clods. The kids did a quick soil test and found our garden area wasn't just bad, it was pitiful!  No wonder last year's garden failed miserably.  So, two bags of fertilizer and a quick till-under later, we finally started planting until our backs and allergies got the better of us.  By the end of the weekend we'll have everything finished.

Brady leaving flooded WV

May showers bring - a blackberry bounty!!!  We should be able to gather enough between the farm and WV for cakes and canning and freezing.  :P

Yes, Brady spotted Canadian goslings on the farm last week.  :)

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